VWR UV/VIS Spektrofotometre UV-6300PC

Orijinal fiyat: $ 8.000,00.Şu andaki fiyat: $ 6.500,00. + KDV


Çift ışın yolu

190-1100 nm dalga boyu aralığı

1 nm band genişliği

D2/Tungsten Lamba

Hem cihaz üzerinden hem de software ile kontrol imkanı

Farklı aksesuar seçenekleri

Display LCD, 320×240 P LCD, 320×240 P
Optical design Double beam Double beam
Absorbance range −0,3…+3,0 A −0,3…+3,0 A
Absorbance accuracy ±0,002 A @ 1,0 A ±0,002 A @ 1,0 A
Photometric accuracy ≤0,3% T ≤0,3% T
Photometric range 0 – 200% T; 0 – 9999 conc. 0 – 200% T; 0 – 9999 conc.
Photometric stability 0,001 A/h @ 500 nm 0,001 A/h @ 500 nm
Wavelength accuracy ±0,3 nm ±0,3 nm
Wavelength range 190 – 1100 nm 190 – 1100 nm
Electrical 110/220 V, 50/60 Hz 110/220 V, 50/60 Hz
Interfaces Parallel printer Parallel printer
Languages English, French, German, Spanish English, French, German, Spanish
Light source Tungsten/deuterium Tungsten
Memory 200 results and 200 curves 200 results and 200 curves
Output USB USB
Scanning speed 100 – 3000 nm/min Intervals: 0,1; 0,2; 0,5; 1,0; 5,0 nm 100 – 3000 nm/min Intervals: 0,1; 0,2; 0,5; 1,0; 5,0 nm
Stray light ≤0,05% T @ 220 and 360 nm ≤0,05% T @ 220 and 360 nm
W×D×H 590×420×260 mm 590×420×260 mm
Weight 26 kg 26 kg
UV/Visible spectrophotometer with double-beam optical system, designed for applications including general research, pharmaceutical, biochemical and clinical laboratory use, new material development and quality control.


  • Standard photometrics: Absorption, transmission and concentration
  • Quantitative analysis and kinetics, multi-wavelength scan and spectrum scan
  • DNA/RNA and protein analysis
  • Internal control via keypad and PC control (optional)
  • UV-Vis Analyst software for more powerful data processing and expanded data collecting

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VWR UV/VIS Spektrofotometre UV-6300PC

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