Advion Compact Mass Spectrometer Expression

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Advion offers solutions to fit your individual lab needs, including systems that support both m/z 10 – 1,200 units and m/z 10 – 2,000 units.


The family of expression® compact mass spectrometers (CMS) provides essential information quickly and improves the chemist’s workflow. Modern organic labs have become automated, faster and more critical reactions require co-located versatile analytics — the expression® CMS solves this at an affordable price.


Unrivaled utility and flexibility

Most laboratories require the ability to analyze a range of samples using more than one technique for more complete identification and characterization of samples. The expression® CMS integrates with nearly every chemistry technique from the simplest, fastest direct probe analysis requiring no sample preparation to ultra-high performance compound separation with LC integration. The expression® CMS offers the most versatile sample techniques on the market, including:

The family of expression® CMS was developed with maximum versatility in mind allowing users to switch rapidly between various sample introduction techniques with little sample preparation. The affordability, small size, and ease of use make them ideal for a variety of applications.